The material contemplates itself. One has to be very attentive in order to percept the airy vibration a sort of a very subtile palpitation which is difficult to know neither how real it is nor the inner spaces of our essence that are implicated in it. J. Corredor Mateos
From her first goblets or perhaps capitals,made in the 1980s, where, as it to her to minaret like towers, or her currents labyrints, evidence of her profund mediterranean spirit, overlain with a strongly oriental atmosphere, porcelain has provided Maria Bofill with a wide range of qualities which stoneware could not. Pilar Vélez
The hardness of the porcelain becomes vulnerable due to the delicate “craquelé” of her architectures. Summary peristyle, arches and framed structures make light and air inseperable part of peremptory and monumental volumes. Snowy constructions with iridescent lapislazuli that include the tread of a sculptress who evokes other traces of a mediterranean past that had configured our culture. Antonio Garrido Moreno |